Announcing the UKRA 2015-2016 AGM

Saturday 17th September 2016, 7.30 PM to 8.30 PM, at the MRC Midland Sky launch event

Twycross 2 site ( )


(1) Chairman's Remarks.
(2) Receive the Minutes of the previous AGM.
(3) Receive the Annual Report of the Council.
(4) To consider the Treasurer's Financial Statement and Balance Sheet.
(5) To receive the Result of Elections to Council.
(6) To appoint Auditors.
(7) To appoint a Solicitor.
(8) To consider alterations to the Constitution of the Association.
(9) To consider any General Business.
(10) To consider any other business not specifically provided for in the Agenda.
(11) DONM.

Council Election

The AGM provides for the Election of a new UKRA Council. Candidates must be Full paid-up UKRA Members, 18 years or older. If you wish to stand for election or re-election to the Council, please send notice of that to UKRA Secretary John Bonsor at ~ johnbonsor @ Please provide a short statement, as an attachment, on your background in rocketry and saying why you wish to be elected to the Council. All statements of candidacy must be received by 12 Noon Saturday 3rd September. Once all these statements of candidacy are in, they will be published on the UKRA web site.

There are eight (8) places on the UKRA Council. The usual practice is to elect people to those places, and then the new Council decides among its members who takes the office bearing positions – Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Secretary. If there are eight (8) or fewer candidates then no Election will be necessary. Those standing will thereby form the Council. In the event of nine (9) or more Candidates standing, an Election will be quickly organised and announced to enable voting by all eligible UKRA Members in time for the AGM on Saturday 17th September. Full UKRA Members are entitled to be present and vote at the AGM, and stand for election to the Council, provided they have been paid up for at least four (4) weeks prior to the AGM.

AGM Agenda Items

If any Member wishes to have an item added to the AGM Agenda, please send that by e-mail to the Secretary, as above. Please submit any such items by 12 Noon Saturday 3rd September.

The final Agenda will be e-mailed to Members a few days before the AGM, along with the Minutes of the 2014 AGM.

John Bonsor, UKRA Secretary.